A tragic incident unfolded when an 11-year-old boy lost his life in a fire ignited by an overheated phone charger. The charger, which had been left plugged in overnight, sparked a fire that rapidly consumed the boy’s bedroom, igniting his foam mattress. Despite attempts to control the flames, they spread quickly, resulting in fatal injuries.
When firefighters arrived, they found the room engulfed in flames, with thick smoke billowing from the mattress that had caught fire due to the overheating charger. Investigations indicated that the charger had been plugged in for several hours, a common practice that can pose serious risks if the chargers are defective or not intended for extended use.
In light of this tragedy, the fire department has issued a public safety alert, advising people against charging their phones overnight or leaving them unattended while plugged in. They also highlighted the dangers associated with low-quality or counterfeit chargers, which frequently lead to overheating and fires.
This heartbreaking event has underscored the critical need for electrical safety in homes, particularly regarding device charging. The family of the young boy is devastated, and local officials are working to promote fire safety awareness to help prevent similar tragedies in the future.