A 46-year-old Indian banker living in Dubai has struck it rich, winning Dh1 million in the Big Ticket draw. The fortunate winner, who hails from Kerala, expressed her deep gratitude, stating that this life-changing prize will mainly be used to secure a bright future for her children through education.
As a working mother, she shared that her main reason for entering the draw was to create better opportunities for her family. “This win is a blessing,” she remarked. “I intend to invest this money entirely in my children’s education to ensure they have the best possible start in life.”
The news of her win has brought immense joy not only to her immediate family but also to her broader community. Friends and colleagues have lauded her dedication and hard work, calling the prize a well-deserved reward for her perseverance.
Big Ticket draws in Abu Dhabi continue to change lives, with stories like this inspiring many participants to try their luck. The event’s organizers congratulated the winner and encouraged others to join in the upcoming draws, highlighting the chance to turn dreams into reality.
This story exemplifies the power of hope and resilience, illustrating how one lucky ticket can create waves of joy and opportunity.