Chinese actor Wang Xing, also known as ‘Xing Xing’, has been rescued from a harrowing human trafficking nightmare near the Thai-Myanmar border. The actor revealed his experience with scammers who lured him under pretenses, only to subject him to a terrifying ordeal.
Wang Xing posted on social media about the details of his captivity, explaining the physical and psychological torture he went through. It is reported that the actor was lured by a false job offer, which led him into the clutches of the traffickers in the region infamous for such activities.
Authorities in Thailand and China cooperated to release him. The Wang Xing case is yet another example of human trafficking, as the majority of these scams involve unsuspecting people who have been lured in by fake offers of employment opportunities.
Fans and colleagues from the acting field have expressed relief and solidarity with the star while human rights groups call for stronger international efforts on trafficking networks. Wang Xing’s ordeal serves as a stark warning against falling prey to scams, emphasizing vigilance and awareness.