During Coldplay’s much-hyped Abu Dhabi concert, frontman Chris Martin did take some time to give an exclusive shout out to the musical sensation from India, Diljit Dosanjh. The loving gesture was found in a viral video in which Diljit Dosanjh’s team posted a clip of that moment on the social media network Instagram Stories as it warmed Diljit Dosanjh’s fan’s hearts.
In the video, Chris Martin enthusiastically recognises and calls out Diljit in the concert even as the audience cheers up. The surprise moment has generated more camaraderie between the two artists, further showcasing Coldplay’s embracing approach toward the global talent on stage. Diljit, with a huge fan following, was moved and impressed by the gesture.
This shoutout is significant because both Chris and Diljit are known for their unique styles of music and passionate fanbases. This impromptu interaction added an extra layer of magic to the already unforgettable Coldplay concert, making it an unforgettable experience for concertgoers.
Fans of both the artists went berserk on social media, celebrating this surprise moment by showering Chris Martin with much praise for warm acknowledgment. The video continues to be shared on social media platforms, spreading happiness among fans of Coldplay and Diljit Dosanjh.