Kuwaiti media personality Fajr Al Saeed has been detained by authorities over her calls for normalisation with Israel. Al Saeed’s statements, which caused a widespread furore, have unleashed a heated public debate in Kuwait, where most citizens consider any rapprochement with Israel a betrayal of Arab and Palestinian causes.
The detention has ignited concerns about freedom of expression in Kuwait, where critics claim that the government suppresses dissenting views. Al Saeed, who had been vocal with her opinions on various issues, had earlier pushed for more engagement with Israel in terms of foreign policy, reasoning that it might help stabilize and develop the economic situation in the region. The comments were very unpopular among both the public and political figures and led to her arrest.
Kuwait, holding a strong stance against Israel in light of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has always had strong laws against political speech, especially ones concerning Israel. Al Saeed’s arrest emphasizes the sensitivity regarding the discussion of Israel within the Gulf region, where most countries, such as Kuwait, have observed a principle of non-recognition since the establishment of the Israeli state.
The case has sparked a great debate about the limits of free speech in the region, with some calling for greater tolerance of differing views, while others argue that such opinions are detrimental to the Arab cause. As the situation develops, attention remains focused on how Kuwait will handle the issue of political expression moving forward.