A 14-year-old girl has emerged to become Iraq’s youngest known drug addict amidst the surge of youngsters in the country into substance abuse. She was found begging in Baghdad streets, a most severe challenge among the Iraqi youth.
The girl developed an addiction as a child living with her family that was raised by “bad company.” This situation argues the critical need for early intervention and support systems that protect vulnerable children from the dangers of substance abuse.
Iraq is suffering through a more serious drug crisis, with heroin, crack, and more recently, crystal meth increasingly coming into usage. Youth in the country are most vulnerable because of their state of poverty, lack of education, and few recreations. All of these combined make more youths addicted.
The issue calls for more comprehensive remedies, such as education, mass community engagement, and accessible rehabilitation facilities. Through such prevention and support efforts, Iraq can save its youth from the devastating grip of drug addiction.