Telegram creator Pavel Durov reported that he had left France on a temporary basis, thanking France’s investigating judges for allowing him to go. Durov made the news available to his audience in the form of a post on his Telegram channel but failed to offer specific details behind the situation.
The decision comes at a time of increased scrutiny regarding Telegram’s involvement in numerous international investigations, but Durov’s statement indicated that the move is procedural and not an exile. “I would like to thank the investigating judges for allowing this,” Durov said, assuring supporters he has no plans to leave the future of the platform behind.
Although the exact reasons for his departure are not clear, industry experts are guessing that it may be connected to the increasing regulatory crackdowns on top tech companies in Europe. Durod has long been an open critic of both privacy and free speech issues, frequently at odds with governments over Telegram’s encryption practices.
Even though he is away from France, Durov’s statement indicated business as usual for Telegram operations, with the company continuing to grow its user base around the world.