Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor has issued a serious warning to his fans regarding an online scam after discovering a fraudulent account impersonating him. He took to social media to inform his followers that the fake account had been reaching out to people, potentially misleading them for harmful purposes.
In his message, Kapoor urged his fans to be cautious and avoid engaging with any suspicious messages or profiles. “Please don’t fall victim to such scams. Report any account that claims to be me or anyone from my team,” he stated, stressing the need for vigilance in today’s digital world.
The actor also voiced his concern for the safety of his fans, pointing out how online fraudsters are increasingly taking advantage of social media platforms. Kapoor mentioned that his legal team is actively working to address the situation and has reported the scam to the appropriate authorities.
This warning serves as a reminder for users to verify the authenticity of online interactions and safeguard their personal information against potential cyber threats. Kapoor’s proactive stance is an example for both celebrities and fans in the fight against digital scams.