The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, UAE has stated that a beef pepperoni product that was earlier recalled from the market over concerns of possible contamination has been deemed safe for consumption.The product had been withdrawn on January 11, following a notification by the Gulf Rapid Alert System for Food regarding the presence of listeria monocytogenes bacteria.
Following scrutiny and monitoring, the ministry together with regional regulation enforcement agents is confirmed that all appropriate preventative actions were implemented on the premises making the beef pepperoni product by ensuring consumer health. The Ministry assures that available products within markets do meet appropriate standards and guidelines to meet regulations of consumer health standards.
MOCCAE affirmed its commitment to food safety and public health. It stated that coordination with all relevant authorities to ensure consumer safety would continue and that all precautionary measures had been taken about the specific brand that was involved in the incident.
Now residents can enjoy their beef pepperoni again, having been tested extensively and proven to be safe to eat. The ministry encourages the consumer to remain updated on matters of food safety.