Coffee lovers all over the world swear by their morning brew, but new research reveals that the timing of your first cup might be more important than you think. A recent study has unveiled the ideal window to enjoy your first coffee of the day for maximum energy and focus, and here are the key takeaways that could transform your coffee routine.
The study recommended having the first cup of coffee about 90 minutes to two hours after waking up. It is during this time when the body’s production of cortisol, the hormone responsible for alertness, starts to depress, and when it is most effective. Drinking it too early may even interfere with its natural process as it reduces the boost you would normally get from caffeine.
Another lesson learned from the study is that coffee should not be consumed on an empty stomach, which can cause discomfort in the digestive system and make one jittery. Experts suggest having a light breakfast before getting your cup of joe. Furthermore, it is wise to limit caffeine intake later in the day since it can disrupt your sleep cycle.
Coffee is still the magic brew that runs millions of people around the globe. Once you know how early to drink the first cup, you’ll tap into all the potential, not to fall into common mistakes. So the next time you raise that mug, remember the next findings to make your day a more energized and productive one!