Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, the adored power couple of Bollywood, recently experienced the joy of their daughter Dua’s first Christmas. The proud parents took to social media to share a heartwarming glimpse of their festive celebrations, highlighting their love and happiness.
In a series of charming photos, fans were given a cozy and intimate look at the family’s holiday traditions. From a beautifully adorned Christmas tree to precious moments shared among the trio, the images exuded warmth and festive spirit.
The couple conveyed their immense joy in welcoming Dua into their lives, making this Christmas truly unforgettable. Deepika shared a photo with the caption, “My heart is full,” perfectly reflecting the emotions felt by both her and Ranveer as they navigate this new chapter of parenthood.
As fans shower the family with love and best wishes, it’s evident that this Christmas was a significant milestone for the Padukone-Singh family, filled with memories they will treasure forever.