Bollywood’s beloved couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, celebrated the arrival of their daughter, Dua, on September 8. Fans have been eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of their precious baby ever since the news broke.
Recently, the actors invited media representatives to their home in Mumbai for a formal introduction. However, the couple chose not to allow any photographs of their daughter, explaining that they want to share her pictures themselves when the time feels right.
This gathering was a memorable occasion for the paparazzi, as it was the first time a celebrity couple had personally introduced their child to the media.
On Diwali, Deepika and Ranveer officially announced their daughter’s name, “Dua Padukone Singh,” along with a heartfelt note:
“Dua: meaning a prayer. Because she is the answer to our prayers. Our hearts are filled with love & gratitude.”
The announcement added to the festive joy of their fans, who were thrilled to hear more about the couple’s little bundle of joy.
Deepika and Ranveer, who tied the knot in 2018, initially shared the news of Dua’s birth with an emotional post, expressing their love and excitement as they embraced the journey of parenthood.
On the work front, the duo recently appeared together in Rohit Shetty’s cop drama Singham Again, which has been creating buzz among movie enthusiasts.