In The Actress Honey Rose Case, business magnate and Kerala tycoon Boby Chemmanur gets remanded 14 days under judicial custody into a sexual harassment case filed by Malayalam actress Honey Rose. The high-profile case got more intense now as the denial of bail, which was urged by the former, came within the decision reached by the district court.
Complaint Details and Allegations
The complaint, filed by Honey Rose, states that Chemmanur made inappropriate advances during a private event. The actress, who is a renowned personality in the Malayalam film industry, filed the case a few days ago, which gained public and media attention. Chemmanur has denied all the allegations, claiming innocence and framing by vested interests.
Courtroom Drama Unfolds
The drama of the case reached an interesting point as Chemmanur collapsed in court allegedly after his bail plea was turned down. He was attended to by medical officers instantly but was later taken into judicial custody. The incident made the tension surrounding the case even more intense.
The case has generated wide-scale debate in Kerala, with the industry players and the general public being sharply divided over the charges. Women’s rights groups have been highly supportive of Honey Rose, calling for a fair probe. The supporters of Chemmanur have claimed that he is innocent and there should not be any hasty judgment against him.