India is in mourning after the passing of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the age of 92. Singh, a distinguished economist and statesman, served as Prime Minister for two terms under the Congress-led UPA government from 2004 to 2014. He was taken to AIIMS Delhi following a sudden loss of consciousness and was pronounced dead despite efforts to revive him.
Singh’s time in office was characterized by major economic reforms aimed at improving the lives of millions of Indians. His leadership during the 1991 economic crisis, when he was Finance Minister, is particularly noted for liberalizing India’s economy and setting it on a trajectory of rapid growth. His influence on India’s economic policy has left a lasting legacy in the nation’s history.
In tribute to Singh’s contributions, the government has announced a seven-day national mourning period. His final rites will be held with full state honors, underscoring the significant impact he had on the country. Political leaders, celebrities, and citizens have come together to express their condolences and honor Singh’s wisdom, integrity, and commitment to public service.
As India says goodbye to one of its most esteemed leaders, the nation reflects on Singh’s extraordinary journey from humble beginnings to becoming a respected economist and Prime Minister. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations and guide India’s future.