In Himachal Pradesh, Indian authorities have successfully rescued more than 5,000 tourists who were stranded due to a severe snowstorm affecting the mountain roads. Police teams have been working around the clock to clear the routes and assist those affected, as the harsh weather disrupted travel plans for many visitors.
The snowfall, which started over the New Year’s weekend, created stunning landscapes but also caused road blockages and power outages in various areas. Rescue operations took place in popular tourist destinations like Manali and Shimla, where vehicles became immobilized on the icy roads.
To make matters worse, dense fog is anticipated on January 1, which will further decrease visibility and increase risks for travelers in the region. Authorities have issued warnings advising people to avoid non-essential travel and to stay informed about the weather updates.
Himachal Pradesh is a favored spot for winter tourism, but the unexpected heavy snowfall highlights the importance of being prepared for extreme weather conditions. Officials are continuing their efforts to ensure the safety of both residents and tourists.