Virat Kohli, the renowned Indian cricketer, has landed in trouble after a physical confrontation with Australian newcomer Sam Konstas during the fourth Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The clash took place after the 10th over when the two players collided, sparking a fiery exchange of words.
As a result, Kohli was fined 20% of his match fee and received a demerit point for violating Level 1 of the ICC Code of Conduct. The ICC’s ruling stemmed from the inappropriate physical interaction between the players, which is against the Code. Despite the incident, Konstas played it down, suggesting it was a result of the intense atmosphere on the field.
This marks Kohli’s first demerit point since 2019, and while it may not lead to a suspension this time, further infractions could bring about harsher penalties. The cricketing community is watching the series closely as both teams compete for supremacy.