A man in Madhya Pradesh is fortunate to have survived after undertaking a dangerous 290-kilometer journey beneath a train coach, riding on its undercarriage to evade paying for a ticket. This risky endeavor was uncovered during a routine inspection of the train, highlighting the extreme measures he took to avoid fare collection.
The individual, a migrant laborer, reportedly boarded the train in an attempt to reach his destination without the cost of a ticket. He was discovered clinging to the train’s undercarriage, which presented serious dangers, including the risk of being crushed by the wheels or coming into contact with overhead electrical cables.
Railway authorities swiftly detained him when the train was checked upon arrival at its destination. Police are now looking into the reasons behind the man’s drastic actions, as concerns grow over the rising number of passengers resorting to such perilous travel methods.
Railway safety experts have called on travelers to refrain from using dangerous and illegal means of transportation, emphasizing the severe consequences that can result from such reckless behavior. Although the man was caught and rescued from further harm, his actions serve as a stark reminder of the lengths to which individuals may go when in desperate situations.