Sharjah Police have launched a new road safety campaign called “Take It Easy,” which focuses on protecting vulnerable groups, especially the elderly. This initiative aims to raise awareness about safe driving habits and encourages all road users to exercise caution, particularly in pedestrian-heavy areas.
The campaign highlights the importance of reducing speed and driving carefully in neighborhoods, near schools, and in public spaces where the elderly, children, and pedestrians are more likely to be at risk of accidents. Sharjah Police are working alongside local communities, authorities, and organizations to foster a safer road environment for everyone.
Given the aging population in the UAE, the “Take It Easy” campaign addresses the unique challenges older citizens face when navigating traffic, such as slower mobility and the need for increased driver awareness. The initiative also seeks to promote a culture of empathy and shared responsibility among road users.
Sharjah Police plan to sustain the campaign through various activities, including public awareness programs, signage in high-risk areas, and collaborations with schools and health organizations to reinforce road safety messages. This campaign is part of a larger effort to decrease road accidents and enhance overall safety throughout the emirate.